Sunday, May 31, 2009

Ah! that Hovis moment!

Gold Hill in Shaftesbury, Dorset is exactly as you would expect it from the adverts!

Sunday, May 03, 2009

World Wide KAP Week 2009

Proof I was kappingThis week has been the second World Wide KAP (Kite Aerial Photography) Week. From all corners of the globe we have been out with out cameras hanging from our kite lines seeing what we could photo (or "KAP").

Like last year, we hope to publish a book at the end of it all.

The week started on 24th April, and all geared up I set off on Saturday 25th to Walsall to try and shoot some canal boats. I could not get near enough, so flew from nearby Aldridge Airport. As usual I had a good conversation with passers by, and took a few mediocre shots.


I then moved onto Sutton Park to see if the flying was any better.

Spring growth

On Sunday 26th, I decided to try my luck at Middleton Quarry. It had been a lovely sunny day, but the sun and wind had died by the time I got there in the late afternoon, Still, I was pleased with some of the images.

Middleton Quarry

I hadn't been able to fly during the working week,but had studied the forecast and maps and wanted to fly near Curzon Street in Birmingham City Centre on Saturday 2nd May. I was up early and was in town before 7.00 a.m., but despite the forecast, there was zero wind.

I decided to try on Barr Beacon instead. Despite this being the highest point locally the wind still eluded me, so I went home for breakfast.

Sunday morning was wet, but cleared by 7.00 I set off for the City Centre again. This time the wind was too gusty and turbulent. I was in danger of landing on the railway overhead power lines, so without attaching the camera, I abandoned the shoot.

A few hours later I decided to make one last attempt for the week. The wind was very strong, but armed with my trusty Dan Leigh "Trooper" kite and 400lb line, I went to Wishaw and the back to the quarry at Middleton. Both venues were successful , if not hairy in the strong wind.

Looking towards Middleton from near Blindpit Lane, Wishaw, with Rye Farm in middle distance Naturally Sepia

Mission accomplished.

You can see more images here

Saturday, September 23, 2006

3.6 m delta

3.6 m delta
Originally uploaded by John Williams ("j-t-f").

First flight of my latest creation, a 3.6 metre Delta. I built it to fly in very light winds, and to collapse down to 80cm length if needed.

This flight was in 2mph on the ground, which rose to around 6mph. In these winds it has a steep flying angle, enabling me to walk it quite close to obstacles, e.g. between trees and bushes, without problems.

I tried it with the autokap and it seems perfect:- not quite as stable as the Dopero, but not far off. It is certainly quick to assemble when not fully collapsed.

The day was very foggy, and I forgot to set the infinity focus in teh camera, so the KAP photos weren't worth saving!

Same colours as usual!

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Rowlands Flowform

Rowlands Flowform
Originally uploaded by John Williams ("j-t-f").

Rowlands Flowform

Built Autumn 2004. Maiden flight, December 2004.


Originally uploaded by John Williams ("j-t-f").


Dopero, first flight May 2004

8' Delta

8' Delta
Originally uploaded by John Williams ("j-t-f").

8' Delta

Flying at Barr Beacon. One of the first kites I built.

Barr Beacon Obelisk

Barr Beacon Obelisk 5
Originally uploaded by John Williams ("j-t-f").

Barr Beacon (743 feet above sea level)was used as one of the beacons to warn of the Spanish Invasion by the Armada in Elizabethan times.

It now forms part of a country park. Although not high, it is very high in the locality so gives amazing views. To the North, West and South one can see Birmingham, Walsall, and all the Black Country, with the hills beyond, and sometimes all the way to Wales. To the East the world seems flat. It is said that the next highest ground going East is in the Ural Mountains. I've checked this and what I though was an urban myth seems correct!

This photo was taken early on Easter Monday 2006 using a Pentax Optio S60 suspended from an 8' delta kite. The camera was operated by "Gentled Auto".

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Playground at Boldmere

Playground at Boldmere
Originally uploaded by John Williams ("j-t-f").

This is an example of my aerial photography. It was taken at Boldmere Gate playground in Sutton Park.

Saturday, December 31, 2005

Berwyn Mountains

It's been a whilst since I made an entry to this Blog. So here goes...

Last August we had a brilliant walk in Wales, and when I get round to it I will update this site and with the walk details.

Friday, April 01, 2005

Dragonfly Kite

Originally uploaded by john the franchise.

This kite was first flown on 1st April 2005 in Sutton park. It was loaned (given?) by a colleague at work who had brought it back from China some years ago as a decoration. I suggested it ought to be flown instead, so here it is!